ace x friends media

Our Philosophy

Media & Creative Agency
HBI agency logo
  • 6-10 EMPLOYEES
  • Specialist
Branding / BrandOnline MarketingEventSocial MediaVideo / Film / Motion PictureWeb / Internet

[About us] The clue is in the name. At ace x friends media, we leverage the best of the fashion, lifestyle and influencer communities to offer an innovative approach to media. Having grown up from the creative-minded global content platform FIZZY MAG to a full-fledged creative agency, not only are we firmly rooted in the market, but we have developed a wide-reaching influence over it. Emphasis on the 'influence.' Years-fluent in social networking, we are proud to offer a powerful network of influencers, trendsetters and trailblazers – an essential communication tool in today's digital landscape. But that's not all. Planting the seeds for the growth of your brand, our broad expertise also includes branding and consulting, content marketing and copywriting, as well as our FIZZY MAG-exclusive advertising services. Our entire portfolio is united in an attention-grabbing format that's ripe for the picking of your target market. How do we do it? We take our dedicated and experienced team of product managers, marketing professionals, graphic artists, social media gurus, content creators, event managers and video producers and add your specifications to build fresh advertising concepts as unique as your brand DNA and your customer's fingerprints.

Unsere Kunden, sie vertrauen uns

client image


seit 2015

Content Creating - Wir haben eine Reihe von Foto-und Videoproduktionen in Zusammenarbeit mit adidas Originals realsiert die über die Online-Platform ausgespielt wurden. Zudem haben wir das Cover-Shooting für das adidas Hauseigene Magazin 'Originals Series' produziert. Wir waren für die Creative Direction verantwortlich sowie Model Casting, Location Scouting sowie die Realisiation der Fotoproduktion.

Industry Experience

FashionFashionE-CommerceRelated ProductsBeveragesIndustryLifestyleFoodSports


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