
Our Philosophy

We love to accompany products and projects into the new decade and focus on both the UX for the user and the technology used to provide a great experience.
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  • Multiple Services
Sales / SalesMobile / AppsDesignEventDigital Transformation & InnovationIt Services / ServiceSocial MediaWeb / Internet

[About us] We have developed software for platforms with and for start-ups as well as for internationally operating corporations to improve internal processes. We work with both industry standard techniques and modern and efficient approaches to get the best of both worlds.

Unsere Kunden, sie vertrauen uns

client image

Alpine Electronics GmbH

seit 2018

Begleitende Entwicklung in bestehende Software des Konzerns mit Konzeption, Design, Beratung und Entwicklung.

client image

ProSiebenSat.1 Media SE

seit 2016

Interne Tools geplant und entwickelt mit gleichzeitiger Beratung.

Industry Experience

Business SoftwareFin TechConsultingServiceITEducationFacilityResearchAutomotiveSoftwareStartupsEntertainmentScience


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